42% of Americans experience dizziness at least once in their lifetime. Some develop permanent balance issues. In fact, falls are a leading cause of serious injury and death for those over 65 and the leading reason for physician visits by adults over 75. This is where we come in and help with your Midtown balance therapy.
LifeMotion balance therapy specialists help improve your stability when walking, bending, lifting, and navigating uneven surfaces with balance retraining so you can get back to the activities you love.
Where Midtown Balance Therapy Retraining Starts
You’re experiencing balance problems if it’s difficult for you to maintain a stable, upright position. These balance problems can be brought on by weakness, sensory deficits, inner ear disorders, and neurological issues such as concussion, stroke, and brain injury.
In simple terms, balance problems are connected to vision, inner ear, your muscular system and your “proprioception,” or sense of your body’s position. The body coordinates input from these four systems to maintain balance. If one or more fail to work properly, balance is compromised.
You can easily become frustrated or even depressed as balance problems undermine your confidence to engage in common daily tasks. Untreated balance issues lead to tripping, stumbling, vertigo and even falling.
LifeMotion Gets Your Life In Balance
Our LifeMotion team of Midtown balance therapy specialists, lead by Holly Thompson, PT, are specifically trained and certified in Balance and Vestibular Therapy. Their experience, coupled with our well equipped facility, mean you can depend on LifeMotion to provide highly effective treatment for:
- Balance issues
- Dizziness-related problems
- Vertigo
- Meniere’s Syndrome
- Neck-related dizziness
- Migraines
- Stroke and brain injury
- Concussion
LifeMotion Vestibular Therapy
Whether you’re dealing with vertigo, dizziness, nausea, difficulty focusing, falls, or fatigue, LifeMotion Vestibular Therapy can help. This specialized form of therapy helps alleviate vestibular disorders and ultimately help prevent falls.
LifeMotion specialists begin with a comprehensive assessment, including exploration of your history and how these symptoms affect everyday life. Our goal is to gain an understanding of the type of symptoms you’re experiencing as well as their intensity and triggers.
LifeMotion Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy uses specialized tools such as the Biodex Balance System SD, Frenzel goggles, and the SWAY Balance System along with manual techniques and exercise to reduce dizziness and prevent falls.
In the end, our goal is to help retrain your balance, overcoming complex vestibular disorders so you can get life back in balance and motion.
Concussion Management and Recovery
1.6 million to 3.8 million people experience concussions every year in the United States. Whether it happens during sports, recreation, or in daily life, concussions can cause lasting effects, even changing your brain chemistry.
Put simply, a concussion is what happens when your brain is violently shaken. You don’t have to get knocked out to experience a concussion; in fact, loss of consciousness happens in less than 10% of concussions.
Recovery can take between weeks and months, sometimes even longer. Holly Thompson, PT and her team bring specialized training and years of experience in helping clients recover from concussions and get back in motion again.