Getting A Knee Replacement? Learn What to Expect from Rehab Experts Welcome to the latest edition of the LifeMotion newsletter! This month, we’re kicking off our new series, "What to Expect," by focusing on recovery after a total or partial knee replacement. Whether you’re preparing for surgery or …
Balance Awareness Week
Balance Awareness Week Video Transcript: Attendee 1: I attend balance therapy because I do not ever want to find myself on the ground again in an ambulance or an emergency room. This place has been amazing to keep those things from happening for me. This place saw me through a surgery …
How To Speed Up Concussion Recovery
Do You Want Your Concussion Recovery To Last 3 Weeks or 3 Months? What you do immediately after sustaining a concussion determines how quickly you heal. We have all seen “the hit.” We are watching a sporting event on TV, in the stands, or even for our child, and there is a collision that causes a …
Concussion Evaluation
Concussion Evaluation Video Transcript: Welcome to LifeMotion. Once you've decided it's time for a concussion evaluation, our capable staff will send an intake form directly to your inbox. This will allow you to give information about yourself and your concussion. It will ask about what …
How Heart Rate Variability Can Boost Your Health
At LifeMotion, we’re always looking for ways to help you understand your body better and improve your overall health. Today, we want to talk about something we measure in the clinic called Heart Rate Variability, or HRV, and how it can tell us a lot about your autonomic nervous system. Don’t worry – …