According to the CDC, over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most often because of a head injury or hip fracture. In 2015, the total medical costs for falls totaled more than $50 billion. Medicare and Medicaid shouldered 75% of these costs. These statistics show the devastating effects from a fall and emphasize the importance of a fall prevention program.
Physical Therapists (PTs) play a crucial role in addressing fall prevention by designing therapeutic exercise programs to improve stability with daily activities. When designing this program, it must be comprehensive and include strength exercises, posture training, flexibility exercises as well as all things necessary for good balance. The program must address how you anticipate movement, how you react to a slip or trip, basically how you recover and avoid falling. A PT will take the time in an evaluation to ask you about your specific goals and design the program to your needs. Does a gardener lose their balance in the yard? Does a golfer need stability during the golf swing? Does an avid football fan need balance climbing the stadium steps? These are all things that can be addressed through physical therapy.
At LifeMotion Balance Center, our specialists are trained to use unique equipment, tools and exercise to help people reduce their risk of falling and return to the activities they enjoy most. Life is too short and precious… and we have only been given one body. So, take care of yourself, invest in your health and enjoy a full life!