We are using the Motion Guidance laser to accomplish many tasks that we need in the clinic. Number one, we can work the vestibular system to challenge it to a higher level. Number two, we can do neck proprioceptive activities, which simply put, is just knowing where you are in space, how far you need to rotate your head. We also combine this with different balanced tasks. Again, so we can help the brain, the inner ear, the eyes, they all work together to help a person recover.
So right now I’m going to have him do a vestibular task where he’s going to start off by focusing. His eyes are going to go to the three, and then his head is going to go to the three, the laser, and then his eyes are going to go to the seven, and then the laser follows. He just goes back and forth doing this for a certain period of time. This is a very important coordination drill for the vestibular system that helps retrain it at a higher level and helps a person conquer their dizziness.